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Showing posts from September, 2015

Father Daughter Tag

I saw this tag on YouTube and I couldn't resist doing it in blog form. 1) Are you a Daddy's girl? Sometimes I was and sometimes I wasn't. But he used to love it when I delivered parcels with him because even though it was work, it was one of the only times we ever had time just with him and me and could talk about anything and listen to my Ipod and sing together.  2) Is there a face you make when you want something? Honestly, can't remember.  3) Did you and your dad/daughter use to do anything special when you were a child? We grew up on a farm and I always remember him taking us on the farm on the four-wheeler and i still remember that. One memory I have with just him and I, is we used to call ourselves the 'naughty kids'. We used to 'torment; (in a loving and friendly way. I promise) my Mum and sister. And even when I was a teenager, he referred to him and I as the naughty kids.  4) Is there a special song he used to sing to yo

12 Week Pregnancy Blog

Yes. I am pregnant! Woohoo! So happy to become a Mummy <3 It's something I have wanted ever since I knew women could have babies. So far it hasn't been the easiest pregnancy with morning sickness and afternoon sickness and all through the day sickness. I spent 3 nights in hospital in my 11th week of pregnancy and was vomiting non-stop and not being able to eat for over a week It was the longest time of my life. But my amazing husband was such a wonderful help for me and so patient <3 But morning sickness is slowly going. Although, not holding my breath that it won't come back. Due Date- 28th March 2016 Baby's size- Size of a lime Other side effects- Emotional and teary outbursts. A lot. lol. These have only just started but i just cry and can't stop. Exhaustion and tiredness. Always tired. No cravings yet.

Not The Perfect Life...

A lot of times when I upload photos to my facebook, a lot of people comment on how happy I look all the time. This is not meant as a depressing post but please do not assume my life is picture perfect and that I am happy all the time.  I miss my home country. I miss my family. I cry. I argue with my husband (what marriage doesn't have arguments?). I miss my Dad. Of course I do have happy times but this is not all the time. Not a depressing post. Just want to make sure people understand.

The Final Goodbye....

Anyone that has ever lost a parent would know how hard it is to say goodbye. That parent was the first human to ever take care of you and put your needs before their own. That was my Father. It is both my parents. But my Father worked his butt off to try and provide for his family. Sometimes that didn't go to his plan. But we never went without.  He always made sure we had everything we needed. Food, water, a house. He made the decision to move our family interstate. At first we didn't like him much for making us move. But we know he made the perfect decision for our family. If we hadn't moved to Queensland, so many things would not have happened. Arriving to the church on the day of his funeral, it was surreal. It hit me hard. People were coming up to me with their puppy dog eyes and it hit me. This is real. This is not a terrible nightmare. This is real.  No matter how sad we were, we wanted

Glorious Ruins by Hillsong Live

This song was played at my Dad's funeral and it means a lot to me. I honestly can't find the words to describe this song <3 Just listen and let it bless you <3