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Showing posts from February, 2016

Life update and 34 week Pregnancy Update

Photo 1- 33 weeks Photo 2- 34 weeks Photo 3- 32 weeks Photo 4- 20 weeks Hello! First of all, so sorry I have been M.I.A (missing in action) over the last few months. A lot has happened. But I'm back.  So in October, I got really sick with the pregnancy as well as grief from losing Dad. It was a very hard time, for Yo as well. I came back to Australia early November without Yo (we are still together) for the rest of the pregnancy. Luckily, he will be late next month in time for the baby to come :) Things are a lot better than they were a few months ago, health wise. I am eating a lot more than I was (I couldn't eat for over a month). I lost 15kg in that time which took me to 70 kilos. Since then I have got back up to 78kg. Obviously a lot of that is baby weight. So, about the baby. It's a girl! We found out at my 20 week scan :) We didn't mind what sex we got, but still feel so blessed to have a little baby girl. Her name is Ruby Elizabeth Chadu.