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Showing posts from May, 2016

Introducing Miss Ruby Chadu.....

I am so sorry I have been so missing in action! But I had a baby! YAY!  Ruby Elizabeth Chadu was born at 3.17am by emergency Caesarean on Saturday the 26th of March 2016 (2 days early), weighing 7lb 3oz and measuring 50cm. So, I was induced on the Friday due to mild pre-eclampsia. Even though it was only mild, the doctors wanted to get my baby out as soon as possible before it got too dangerous. So I went into hospital at 8.00pm on Friday and got the first let of gel put in at 9.00pm. They told me that the second lot of gel would be done at 3.00am then they would break my waters at 8.00am. Well, I didn't even get to the second lot of gel. My waters broke themselves at 1.30am, despite the nurses saying nothing would happen for quite a while.  Despite my waters breaking, I was only 2cm dilated even though the contractions were so strong and close together by this point.  At about 2.00am, I passed out and had had a sudo seizure (possibly due to the pre-eclampsia). Thankfully,