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50 Random Facts About Me

1. 21 years young but only for another 24 hours :)
2. 84 kilograms
3. Makeup Crazy
4. Just moved to Thailand with my husband
5. Can't eat overly spicy food (chose a good country to move to then, lol)
6. Frangipanis are my favourite flower
7. Have a fear of fire
8. Love Chicken and Cheese pies
9. Have one younger sister, Claire
10. Got my first ever boyfriend when I was 20 and he is now my husband :)
11. Met my husband on a missionary trip to Thailand in 2013
12. Have met Darlene Zschech from Hillsong at Easterfest in Toowoomba
13. Addicted to frozen raspberries and mushrooms
14. Addicted to playing the game 'Dynomite' on my husband's computer
15. Addicted to Youtube and Pinterest
16. I am aparantly addicted to a lot of things :P lol
17. I am terrible at painting my nails
18. I love coffee too much
19. Thai music makes me happy
20. I was probably the only kid that loved research projects at school
21. I hate change
22. I used to be against changing your hair colour and now I have dyed my hair approximately 10-12 times between ages 16 and 22
23. I dream of going to America
24. I admire Thai people because they love to help.  I was at the Bangkok airport in January this year and a lady tripped over at the bottom of an escalator and about 10 Thai people ran to help her including my then fiance. God Bless the man.
25. I love Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dogs
26. I am obsessed with Joe Sugg on youtube
27. I hate tomato, capsicum and orange
28. My favourite colours are red, pink, yellow and orange
29. My pet peeve is nosey people
30. I believe there is a monster in my home that eats all my socks and bobby pins.
31. Obsessed with Taylor Swift
32. Coconut is my favourite scent and flavour
33. I love all seafoods except mussels and oysters
34. I rarely use black or red pens. It has to be blue
35. I refuse to drink and smoke
36. Rebel Wilson is my favourite actress in 'Pitch Perfect'
37. I  have attended 4 schools in my life
38. I lived in Tasmania for the first 15 years of my life
39. I am a christian
40. If I miss the best part of a song, i have to start over
41. I thought of another major pet peeve. When the older generation look down on young people as a whole generation 
42. I have an obsession with pink and coral lipsticks 
43. I love american and British accents
44. I hate travelling but i love getting to the destination
45. I love the number 4
46. I love matte lipsticks!
47. I love Gold and bronze eyeshadows
48. I am not a real sweet tooth but I am a sucker for savoury food
49. I l0ve riding as a passenger on a motorcycle
50. It has taken me almost an hour to write this list :) 


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