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Short Update

So I haven't posted for a while.  So much has been happening with starting a job as an English teacher in a Thai school and the shock passing off my Dad.

My Dad died from a heart attack due to an overdose. He wasn't diagnosed with depression or anything like that but problems with work and finance just got too much for him. I'm not going to go too far into it because I want my blog to be as happy and upbeat as possible. It was hard for a while and it still is hard but I'm taking comfort in the fact that my much loved Dad is now in heaven with God. 

Suicide is all to common and I plan to make people know that suicide does not make a person a coward or week. My Dad was strong until the very end. 

On a brighter note, I'm an English teacher!  No joke!  A friend of mine that lives in Thailand is friends with the Head of English at a small school in the Hill tribe village of Khao Kho. Within a week of living in Thailand, my husband and I were in Khao Kho with a job and a rent free home! Jackpot! Thank you Lord.


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