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Showing posts from August, 2015

REVIEW- Coral Colours Loose Translucent Powder

Time for my first ever makeup review! Coral Colours is an often overlooked Australian makeup brand. I don't hear much about them but I have tried a mascara, blush, lip gloss and powder from them and they are awesome products. This powder is my holy grail setting powders for my foundation and concealer. I really do not like using powders with colour in them because I find they make my face look cakey no matter how little amount of product I use. But I think I am going to start using colour powders because tragically, this powder and my ELF translucent powder are almost empty and both these brands are not available in Thailand :( This powder is an amazing powder. I can use as much or as little as I want and it does not make my makeup look cakey. Even on days when I don't use a primer, translucent powder, especially this one still makes my makeup last all day! And this is in hot, Thailand climate! Rating- 10/10 Love the stuff! And as soon as I could, I would

My Husband's Story

I thought today I would share the story of my husband and how we came to get together <3 As should be clear from my wedding photos and posts, my husband Yo is Thai. Yo was born in Chiang Mai, Thailand was the youngest of 4 brothers and sisters. I am not sure what age, but when he was quite young, he witnessed his father die in a brutal attack and then his mother was in and out of jail for drug abuse and selling a daughter to prostitution twice. When he was about 3 or 4, he and his older siblings (Nit, Noy and Ja Fu) were taken from Chiang Mai to a children's home in Banklang, Phetchabun. The people that brought him to Banklang were Australians and the husband and son were two of Yo's best men in our wedding.  Yo lived at the children's home most of his life and went on to work at the childrens life until late 2014. As you know, Yo and I met when we went on a missions trip to his orphanage in 2013. We took him to Australia January-April of this year and were m

My Top 23 Favourite Wedding Photos (No words)

Thai Market Haul

So I went shopping this morning in a Thai market. I bought things. It was great :) Thought I'd share with you all and tell you prices just to prove how inexpensive Thailand really is. Light Blue Lacy dress- 199 baht ($8.29)- I bought this to wear to work especially on the 12th August which is Thai Mothers Day and all the teachers have to wear blue :) Blue and Pink wireless Bras- 100 baht each ($4.16) 2x Black tights/shorts for under skirts and dresses- 100 baht each ($4.16) High Class Hair Dryer- 250 baht ($10.41) Pink Purse- 100 baht ($4.16) 2 pairs of earrings, Strawberries and the Pepsi Logo- 10 baht each (4 cents each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 969 baht ($40) So Cheap!!!!!! Now get back to saving money :)