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Thai Market Haul

So I went shopping this morning in a Thai market. I bought things. It was great :) Thought I'd share with you all and tell you prices just to prove how inexpensive Thailand really is.

Light Blue Lacy dress- 199 baht ($8.29)- I bought this to wear to work especially on the 12th August which is Thai Mothers Day and all the teachers have to wear blue :)

Blue and Pink wireless Bras- 100 baht each ($4.16)

2x Black tights/shorts for under skirts and dresses- 100 baht each ($4.16)

High Class Hair Dryer- 250 baht ($10.41)

Pink Purse- 100 baht ($4.16)

2 pairs of earrings, Strawberries and the Pepsi Logo- 10 baht each (4 cents each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

969 baht ($40) So Cheap!!!!!!

Now get back to saving money :)


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