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Showing posts from 2016

Frank Coffee Coconut Scrub

Ok, let's cut to this chase! This stuff is amazing! Smells like heaven. Smells like you could almost eat it. But dont <3 There is not much I can say about this only that it is flippin amazing! $18.95 from Frank Body

7 month Update

Hi! My name is Ruby and I am now 7 months old! I weigh 9 kilo and I wear a size 00 and 0 but size 0 is a little bit too big.  I am sitting up like a big girl now and eating solids.  I love apple, pear and berries but I hate broccoli. My favourite TV show is the Wiggles. I can say Mum and Dad now.  My favourite people are my Mummy, Daddy, Nanny and Aunty Claire.  I am rolling around now and Mummy almost cant keep track of me! Just wait until I'm crawling!

Younique Splash Liquid Lipstick

They're here! Splash Liquid Lipsticks are finally here! My unbiased opinion is that these are amazing! So far I only have 'Smashing' which is a gorgeous orange based red! <3 As you can see, 'Smashing' suits the lightest of girls to the darkest of girls. But a few people have found that if you have an 'in between' skin tone it doesn't suit as well. These lipsticks have a thick formula which some people have compared to the formula of Jeffree Star's liquid lipsticks. Be aware that because they are a thicker formula, they do take about an hour to dry. But once they dry, they are not going anywhere. These lipsticks are priced at $35 or 3 for $94. But........This month only, buy 3 liquid lipsticks for $94 AND receive a free Lip exfoliator pen worth $27.50! You can find this month's special under 'kudos' on my website.

Younique Touch Mineral Liquid Foundation Review

I became an Independant Younique Representative in June and I am officially in love with the products! I don't love them because i sell them, I sell them because I truly love them and believe in them. Today, I'm going to do a review on the amazing Liquid Foundation which I am wearing in the above selfie. This is truly a liquid foundation. It literally feels like liquid but gives great coverage even though it is by no means a high coverage foundation on it's own. It goes on liquid and dries to a powder, matte finish but is in no way cakey.  Pair the foundation with our Glorious Primer and Liquid concealer for the perfect finish. I honestly give this product a 5 out of 5 and would still give it this rating if I wasn't selling it because I truly love it <3 Contact me to order <3 In the selfie I am wearing: Primer Foundation in 'Organza' Bronzer in 'Sunset' Cream Eyeshadow in 'Hopeful' Eyesha

My little Princess..... 14 week update

I am so slack with this blog! But i thought it was time for Miss Ruby's 14 week update! My little girl is now weighing 6.3kg! She's grown so quickly! 66cm long! She's so big now but she still feels like a newborn! Love my little munchkin <3 

Introducing Miss Ruby Chadu.....

I am so sorry I have been so missing in action! But I had a baby! YAY!  Ruby Elizabeth Chadu was born at 3.17am by emergency Caesarean on Saturday the 26th of March 2016 (2 days early), weighing 7lb 3oz and measuring 50cm. So, I was induced on the Friday due to mild pre-eclampsia. Even though it was only mild, the doctors wanted to get my baby out as soon as possible before it got too dangerous. So I went into hospital at 8.00pm on Friday and got the first let of gel put in at 9.00pm. They told me that the second lot of gel would be done at 3.00am then they would break my waters at 8.00am. Well, I didn't even get to the second lot of gel. My waters broke themselves at 1.30am, despite the nurses saying nothing would happen for quite a while.  Despite my waters breaking, I was only 2cm dilated even though the contractions were so strong and close together by this point.  At about 2.00am, I passed out and had had a sudo seizure (possibly due to the pre-eclampsia). Thankfully,

Life update and 34 week Pregnancy Update

Photo 1- 33 weeks Photo 2- 34 weeks Photo 3- 32 weeks Photo 4- 20 weeks Hello! First of all, so sorry I have been M.I.A (missing in action) over the last few months. A lot has happened. But I'm back.  So in October, I got really sick with the pregnancy as well as grief from losing Dad. It was a very hard time, for Yo as well. I came back to Australia early November without Yo (we are still together) for the rest of the pregnancy. Luckily, he will be late next month in time for the baby to come :) Things are a lot better than they were a few months ago, health wise. I am eating a lot more than I was (I couldn't eat for over a month). I lost 15kg in that time which took me to 70 kilos. Since then I have got back up to 78kg. Obviously a lot of that is baby weight. So, about the baby. It's a girl! We found out at my 20 week scan :) We didn't mind what sex we got, but still feel so blessed to have a little baby girl. Her name is Ruby Elizabeth Chadu.